
God’s Messengers

January 27, 2019
Email, text message, Instagram...there are so many ways to send a message to someone. But, the best way, by far, is in-person, face-to-face. When God wanted to communicate with his…

A Kingdom Torn in Two

January 20, 2019
Abraham Lincoln famously said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." In today's message, we'll see how the nation of Israel learns this the hard way, as arrogance and power…
It's Epiphany Sunday - a day on the church calendar when we celebrate the visit of the Magi to the Christ child who brought him costly gifts of gold, frankincense…
God let Solomon ask for anything he wanted. Solomon chose wisdom over wealth and power. Because God was pleased with Solomon's choice, God gave him wisdom, along with power and…

Trials of a King

December 16, 2018
We're continuing our study of "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People." King David was at the top of his game when he let…

From Shepherd to King

December 9, 2018
God often chooses the most unlikely candidate to take the lead in his "upper story" redemptive plans to rescue humankind from sin. In our continuing series on "The Story: The…
It's human nature to want to be just like everyone else, even if it's not in our best interest. Israel wanted a king to be like all the other nations…
The story of Ruth presents a picture of love, loyalty, and faithfulness - a welcomed contrast from the violence of Joshua and Judges. How does God use two desperate women…
The famous movie, "A Few Good Men" shows how it only takes a few individual doing the right thing to make a difference. In the book of Judges, God uses…

The Battle Begins

November 11, 2018
We're continuing with our series on "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People." Today, we're looking at Joshua and his leadership of the Israelites…
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