
The Presbyterian Church (USA) says, “In affirming with the earliest Christians that Jesus is Lord, the Church confesses that he is its hope, and that the Church, as Christ’s body,…
According to scripture and Christian tradition, Christ is the Church's life. When we are connected to Jesus, the True Vine, we will produce a bountiful harvest for God's kingdom. Apart…
Jesus called his first disciples, a group of fishermen, to follow him and fish for people for the Kingdom of God. Jesus also calls us to follow him as disciples…
In reference to our church's name, people often ask me, "Are you the 'head' of Christiana?" I explain how we were founded at the headwaters of the Christiana Creek -…
Author and speaker Simon Sinek argues that the most successful organizations understand the "why" behind all they do. What is God's big "why" for the Church? Why does a local…
Today is Trinity Sunday on the liturgical calendar. The Trinity is a mystery that cannot be fully comprehended by human beings. And yet we can increase our understanding of the…

The End of Time

May 26, 2019
We've reached the series finale of "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People"! How does "The Story" end? And more importantly, how does God's…
God often uses the least likely candidate to fulfil his purposes. In today's message, we'll learn about a man named Saul (later known as Paul) who had a dramatic conversion…

New Beginnings

April 28, 2019
Jesus' resurrection means a new beginning for his followers. The first disciples received a new mission, a new community, and new leadership to carry on the kingdom work Jesus called…

The Resurrection

April 21, 2019
Today is Easter Sunday, when we joyfully proclaim, "Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!" When the disciples first discovered the empty tomb, they didn't know what to make of…