
Rooted in Christ

January 12, 2020
It's Baptism of the Lord Sunday! A day we reflect upon Jesus' baptism and its meaning for our lives. It is also a day to reflect upon our own baptism…
It's Epiphany Sunday - the day on the liturgical calendar when we celebrate the Wise Men's visit to the Baby Jesus after following the star in the east. Traditionally, we…
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. John bore witness to Jesus, the Light of the World. As Christ's followers, the church is called to be a community of…
We're in week 3 of the season of Advent. We're exploring the local church's calling. Today, we're looking at our calling to be a community of love - where sins…
We're looking at our calling as a local church during the season of Advent. We're called to be a community of hope, trusting that God is making all things new…
It's the first Sunday in Advent. Advent means "coming" - it is a season in which we prepare to celebrate Christ's first coming to the world as a babe in…
Today is Christ the King Sunday - a very appropriate occasion to conclude our series on The Lord's Prayer exploring the meaning of the final phrase "For Thine is the…
We're continuing our series on The Lord's Prayer. What does it mean when we pray, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"? We'll explore this in today's…

For All the Saints

November 3, 2019
It's All Saints Day - a day we remember and honor those in our fellowship who have died over the past year. Scripture says we're surrounded by a "great cloud…
One of the most challenging lines of The Lord's Prayer is "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." What does it mean to forgive as…