Sabbatical Plans

Our denomination values the long-term health and well-being of congregations and
the pastors who serve them. To this end, the denomination recommends that pastors take a
sabbatical after a certain number of years of full-time service. A sabbatical is simply an
extended time of rest and renewal for a pastor. An extended time of rest and renewal can be
rejuvenating for both the pastor and the congregation, particularly after the pandemic we’ve
endured for the past two years. The hope with granting a pastor a sabbatical is that the pastor
will return to the congregation rested and with a renewed sense of ministry.

As you heard me announce at the annual congregational/corporation meeting in February, I am
considering taking a 3-month sabbatical in 2023. I am working with the presbytery, the session, and other HoC members to develop a proposal with a detailed plan and budget for the sabbatical. We’re currently in the exploratory phase of the process – nothing has been decided yet. A proposal submitted to the session for consideration will meet the stipulations of the presbytery’s sabbatical policy. Both the session and the presbytery will ultimately be the ones to approve any proposal that is presented.

I would like to get input from the congregation, so if you have any ideas or wisdom to share, please do
so! I also know that the thought of having the pastor away for an extended period of time can be stressful and anxiety-producing. Please reach out to me with questions or concerns you may have about the process. We will, of course, keep the congregation informed of the process, including formal decisions that session makes regarding the sabbatical. The presbytery’s policy for sabbaticals is included in this edition of the newsletter for more information.

My hope is that a sabbatical can be a time of refreshment and renewal for both myself and the
congregation – that it will be a mutually beneficial experience for everyone. I also trust that the Spirit will be active in revealing new vision and energy for our ministry calling as a local church. I would appreciate your prayers as I work with the leadership of the church and presbytery in planning and discerning. Thanks for all your support while we dream, discern, and plan together!



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