As we’re finally emerging from the global COVID-19 pandemic (hopefully for real this time),
we may be asking, “So, now what?” While some things are returning to “normal” (the way
they were before the pandemic), the reality is that we’re never fully going to go back to what
things were like pre-pandemic. The pandemic period has affected many aspects of the way
we do church. Now that we’re coming out of it, we begin to ask, “So, now what?” What things
do we want to keep, and what things do we want to let go?

What things do we want to return to the way they were before the pandemic, and what new things might we want
to try? How is God calling us to be a faithful church in our community post-pandemic? What will this look like?

How can we respond faithfully to the Spirit’s leading? These are some questions with which I am wrestling as a
leader, and I hope they are questions you will all contemplate and pray over in the coming months.

To guide us through this period, I’m beginning a new sermon series this summer on the book of Acts called,
“So, Now What? – Living Faithfully After Jesus’ Resurrection”. The book of Acts is all about how the early
followers of Jesus learned to live after Jesus’ resurrection and carry on his kingdom work in the power of the
Holy Spirit. After Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, his early followers weren’t given a clear road
map of how to move forward. Like us, I think they were asking, “So, now what?” They were not on their own,
however. They were given the Holy Spirit. They had the Hebrew scriptures. They had memories of Jesus’ own
teaching and miracles. And, they had one another. We have these same things available to us (as well as the
rest of the New Testament) to guide us in answering the question “So, now what?” I hope you will join us for
worship in-person or tune in online to hear these messages and ponder the wisdom of the book of Acts. There
will also be an opportunity to meet together for more in-depth Bible study and discussion (see details inside).
One thing I firmly believe – we may not know all the answers, but God is faithful and will guide us! So, friends,
let us boldly seek and follow the Holy Spirit as we ponder the question, “So, now what?”?

Pastor Hilary

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