Dear HoC members and friends,
What a year it has been! Who could have
foreseen that we would be living through a
historic pandemic that has greatly altered how we do ministry as a congregation? I am so proud of you all for stepping up to this challenge – adapting to new virtual ways of being church and learning new technology, all while continuing to care for one another and serve our community. Thank you for your ongoing support of the ministries and missions of our church! Your dedication and commitment to our church truly inspires me and bears witness to God’s grace at work in our midst.

I also boldly invite you to partner with us in all that God is doing in and through our church by prayerfully considering your financial pledge and/or giving estimate to our church in 2021.

In addition to your pledge card, you’ll notice that we’ve included preliminary income projections, as well estimated budget figures for the ministry priorities we believe God is calling us to support in the coming year. Though the final figures may change, we hope this information will help you better understand our current financial situation and priorities as you discern your giving commitment for the coming year.

As you all know, we are blessed to have an endowment – a resource made possible by the generous gifts of those who have gone before us to provide for our present-day ministry and missions. Additionally, we receive a small amount of presbytery rent and other income annually. The rest comes from you – your offerings to this church over the course of the year. Everything we do is made possible by your generous giving! Every gift counts, and yours is especially important!

Please prayerfully discern your financial gift for the coming year. If you can increase your giving from last year, please do so. If you have not previously made a financial commitment or estimate, we invite you to take a step of faith and make one this year. Your generous gift ensures our financial stability for years to come while supporting the crucial “now” mission and ministries of our church that are changing lives, both within our fellowship as well as out in our community.

lease return your financial commitment card to the church by October 27, 2020.
Thank you for your commitment and service to our church!
With enthusiastic gratitude, appreciation, and overflowing love,


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