What to Expect

what-to-expectAs Presbyterians, our worship is centered around the proclamation of God’s Word.  We understand the Word to be the ancient words of scripture as illuminated for our modern community through preaching, prayer, and reflection.  This scripture belongs to the whole community, and each week our worship is led both by the pastors and church members.  Head of Christiana is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the country.

Our worship is a fairly traditional liturgical format, meaning that the leaders and congregation speak words together, both ancient and modern, that anchor us in the Reformed tradition and resonate for us in our lives today.  Check out this sample bulletin for an example – words in bold type are spoken by the congregation, and regular type by the worship leader.

While our style is traditional, we are also relatively informal.  The pastors wear robes, and the congregation wears everything from business suits to jeans, and saris to football jerseys.  Our priority is warmth and welcome.

The sacrament of Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month, as well as on particular holidays through the year.  We welcome everyone who seeks to know Christ to share this feast with us.