

November 4, 2018
We're continuing with our series on "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People". Today we look at Israel's 40 years of wandering in the…
According to an Internet meme, Moses was the first person to download files from the cloud to a tablet 🙂 We're continuing our series on "The Story: The Bible as…

Hope in Life and in Death

October 14, 2018
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. We're taking a break from our series on "The Story" to talk about mental health and suicide prevention. What hope does the Bible…


October 7, 2018
We're continuing our series on "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People". Today we look at the famous story of the Exodus of the…
We're continuing our series on "The Story - The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People". Today, we're talking about Joseph and how God worked through him…

God Builds a Nation

September 23, 2018
We're continuing with our series on "The Story" - an overview of the Bible. This week, we see how God continues the plan to rescue humanity and all creation from…
We're diving into our series on "The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and God's People". The opening chapters of Genesis describe the creation of the universe,…
Human beings are wired for story. So, it's no surprise that when the God of the universe wanted to communicate with people, God chose to do so through story. Join…
What are the vital signs of a healthy spiritual body? Jesus invites us to live a different way of life than the world around us. What does living that new…
The weekly Sunday worship event is important to our faith, but what about the other 167 hours per week? How do we grow spiritually as a body during the week,…
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