
Abiding in Love

May 6, 2018
Jesus gives his disciples the command to love one another. In a world full of hatred and division, is it truly possible to love as Jesus commands? How does Jesus…

Bearing Fruit

April 29, 2018
Jesus declares himself to be the True Vine and his followers the branches. Those who dwell in him will bear much fruit for God's kingdom. How do we dwell in…
Jesus declares himself to be the Good Shepherd of God's people. What does it mean to have Jesus as our Good Shepherd? How can we experience this truth in our…

You Are My Witnesses

April 15, 2018
The Risen Jesus appears to his disciples, but they still have doubts about it all. What does it mean to be Jesus' witnesses despite our doubts?

The Blessing of Unity

April 8, 2018
Psalm 133 extols the many blessings of unity among God's people. But, we all know how challenging it can be to truly live in unity. What are the blessings of…

Dangling Gospel

April 1, 2018
It's Easter Sunday...and also April Fools' Day. Today, we look at Mark's Gospel account of the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Mark trying to play some kind of practical…

Entering as King

March 25, 2018
On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem as king, but not the kind of king the people were expecting. What does Jesus' entry into Jerusalem have to teach us about power…

Walk in the Light

March 11, 2018
There are people who will come to us, wanting to see Jesus. How do we walk in Jesus' light that others may see and follow him?

Who Do You Say I Am?

February 25, 2018
Jesus askes, "Who do you say that I am?" If we profess faith in Jesus as the Christ (the Messiah), Jesus tells us to take up our cross and follow…

A Better Way

February 18, 2018
Jesus warns that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Replace "sword" with "gun" and you get a pretty good contemporary interpretation of this teaching for…
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