Dear HoC members and friends,

After Jesus’ resurrection, he gave his disciples a new commission: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). Jesus then ascended to heaven, and shortly afterwards, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, empowering them for the work of spreading the gospel to all the world. The commission that Jesus gave his first disciples is the same that is given to us in our time and place. We have the same power of the Holy Spirit that fuels our spreading the gospel throughout our community.

In this season of Pentecost, we are embarking on a new period of discernment and seeking the Spirit’s power afresh for ministry. Our church is going to be taking part in the Unglued Church Project – a presbytery initiative designed to help churches discern their ministry vision and see how God is calling us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in new ways in our community. I am joining members and friends of HoC as part of a leadership team that will spearhead this project for our church. We will be working with an adviser, Rev. Duke Dixon from Easton Presbyterian Church, as well as “Unglued” consultants who will be coaching us through this process. We gathered with 13 other churches in the presbytery for an inspiring kickoff event on May 18th. I’m excited to have our church be part of this initiative, and I look forward to seeing what God open up for us through this process. Please keep us in prayer throughout this process. We will be updating you on our work, as well as seeking your input as the project unfolds.


Pastor Hilary Livingston

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