We’re moving into the summer season – longer days, warmer weather,
and a time to slow our pace a bit. Lots of folks travel for vacations to the
lake or the beach or the mountains to enjoy some time of rest and
relaxation before the busyness of the fall season comes upon us. It was a
year ago that I was in the middle of my sabbatical – an extended time of
rest and renewal that gave me the opportunity to step back from regular
ministry responsibilities to recharge and gain a new perspective on my life and calling.

It was such a blessing to have that time and those experiences. I’ve been
trying to incorporate more rhythms of rest and renewal into my routine as I’ve
returned to pastoral responsibilities. I’ve been intentionally observing my Sabbath
day, as well as taking time for physical activity, prayer, and being out in God’s creation
on a regular basis. These practices have kept me grounded in the ministry work to
which God has called me.

Whatever age or stage of life we’re in – whether we are still in our working years or
retired, raising children or enjoying grandchildren, caring for the young or the old in
our lives – we can all take time for rest and renewal. God gave his people the Sabbath
as a gift of renewal and restoration. God designed us to be creatures who need and
desire periods of rest from our labor and activities. Summer is a great opportunity to
look for ways to engage in personal forms of Sabbath, whether that be taking at least
one full day off from work every week, to incorporating down time into our daily
routines, to making space for enjoying the little pleasures of daily living (savoring an
ice cream cone, walking barefoot through fresh green grass, sipping lemonade, taking
a nap). What are some ways you can take times of intentional rest and renewal during
this summer season? How is God calling you to rest and enjoy his many blessings, both
great and small, in your life? Before we know it, the cooler winds of fall will be upon
us. Let us take time to savor the summer season and its opportunities for rest and
Blessings and Peace

Pastor Hilary

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