This was a familiar question my dad used to always ask me when he wanted to know what I was up to that day. Dad was a man who always liked to have a plan…and he liked to know everyone else’s plan too, just so he’d be “in the loop” on everything. This question, however, can have broader implications
for us than merely asking what our plans are for the day.

“What’s your story?” can be a way for us to think about where we’ve come from and where we’re
going. It’s a clarifying question that forces us to think about what we’re really all about and what our
ultimate direction is in life.

“What’s your story?” can also be asked, not just of us as individuals, but as a church. If someone
were to ask you about Head of Christiana, asking “What’s your story?” how would you answer them?
After all, we’re all part of a story this church has been telling in our corner of Delaware for over 300
years. And, of course, our church is just one part of the whole body of Christ. And so, our story is part
of the bigger story God has been acting out throughout human history. So what’s our story? How do
we fit in, not only with the saints of today, but also all those who have gone before us?

This fall at Head of Christiana, we have a unique opportunity to read and hear and study the great
story of our faith, The Bible. We’ll be reading and studying together The Story: The Bible as One
Continuing Story of God and God’s People. In study and in worship, we will be exploring the story of
the Bible, and seeing how we fit into this bigger story of God’s redemption of all humanity. I think it has
the potential to be life-changing for us as individuals and a church. I hope you will join us in reading
and studying The Story with us. And when someone asks you, “What’s your story?” you’ll know!


Pastor Hilary Livingston

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